Made By @HawkHacks

Exploit Successfully Ran

{Kernel build.2.1} 0x0x1x0x1 Array_id_tag set value 2.0 Unsigned/F3 using System.Windows.Forms; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ClassicBox.Show("Loading"); System.Console.WriteLine(Start_Up); } } ;Load File “KPPBypass.exe” system.run Unvoid, ;Load “AMCCBypass.exe” ;Load ”Exploit.exe” ;Load “TripleFech.exe” Unpack ;Load “System.bat” ;Load”SandboxMemLeak.exe” ;Load”SandboxEscape.exe” ;Load “Jailbreak.exe” ;Load “CydiaInstaller.exe” void-(1x0x1x1x0x1) #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace boost ;Done Exploit= “#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; Fresh_ jelly load: F_plugin-extention using namespace boost” $ system.file/Manger Or >convert(here) import Foundation protocol APIControllerProtocol { func didReceiveAPIResults(results: NSArray) } class APIController { var delegate: APIControllerProtocol init(delegate: APIControllerProtocol) { #import @interface ARRBase : NSObject @property long number; @property(retain) id object; @property void *pointer; @property(weak) __weak id delegate; @end self.delegate = delegate } func get(path: String) { let url = NSURL(string: path) let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession() data;Flow-undergrader?/API_super Return_0; Function (v)set prime flag to True to assume candidate is a prime set test divisor to 2 while (test divisor < candidate) { if remainder of (candidate/test divisor) == 0 candidate is not prime get the next test divisor in sequence } def over_limit_multi_lua(conn, limits=[(1, 10), (60, 120), (3600, 240)]): if not hasattr(conn, 'over_limit_lua'): conn.over_limit_lua = conn.register_script(over_limit_multi_lua_) return conn.over_limit_lua( keys=get_identifiers(), args=[json.dumps(limits), time.time()]) over_limit_multi_lua_ = ''' local limits = cjson.decode(ARGV[1]) local now = tonumber(ARGV[2]) for i, limit in ipairs(limits) do local duration = limit[1] local bucket = ':' .. duration .. ':' .. math.floor(now / duration) for j, id in ipairs(KEYS) do local key = id .. bucket #include #define PI 3.14 using namespace std; int main(){ int radius; float area; cout << "Enter radius of circle" << endl; cin >> radius; area = PI*radius*radius; cout << "Area of circle is " << area << endl; return 0; } local count = redis.call('INCR', key) redis.call('EXPIRE', key, duration) if tonumber(count) > limit[2] then return 1 end end end return 0 '''
//yes this fake. wen eta ios 13 jb??